(88) Competitive Bidding - Responding to Preempts

(88)  Competitive Bidding - Responding to Preempts

When partner preempts the bidding they are hoping to catch the opponents with the best hands.  But sometimes it will be our side that has most of the values.  This week we examine how to respond to partner's Weak Two Bid when they have taken away our valuable bidding space and how we try to survive the auction! 

(82) More Notrump Bidding: Advanced Lebensohl (Delayed Lebensohl)

(82)  More Notrump Bidding:  Advanced Lebensohl (Delayed Lebensohl)

We use Lebensohl (or Simple-sohl) in auctions where the opponents interfere directly over our 1N opening bid. This week we will examine some more complex auctions where the opponents interfere over our 1N opening bid.  We will see that Lebensohl (or Simple-sohl) can be used to help us deal with these auctions as well.   

(81) More Notrump Bidding: When to Open 1NT Off-Shape

(81)  More Notrump Bidding:  When to Open 1NT Off-Shape

1N is the best opening bid in all of Bridge.  It does a great job of describing the "big picture" of our hand.  With some hands that have difficult rebid problems we will choose to make a flawed 1N opener because it is the best description of our hand that we can come up with.  This week we examine some of these difficult bidding hands that are best solved by opening 1N.

(77) What to Expect: Planning as Responder

(77) What to Expect: Planning as Responder

Just as it is important for the Opener to make a plan before they open the bidding it is also important for the Responder to make a plan before they respond to the Opener.  Thinking ahead about what you want to communicate, what you expect from partner, and how the opponent's might make life difficult can greatly help our constructive bidding.