AiB Curriculum — Adventures in Bridge Home Page

Robert’s AiB Curriculum

This Adventures in Bridge curriculum is a guide for what to learn next. There are 10 levels of material for you to work through and the material in each level is divided into categories.

  • First is an introduction to the game, in case you are starting from scratch — What is Bridge?, etc…

  • Next is the core 10-level curriculum summary to help give you an idea of what you should master at each step along the way.

Note: (#) are the number of topics in each level of the curriculum. [#] is the number of the TWIB lesson that covers this topic.

Bridge for the First Time

If you are just getting started in bridge, I have a webpage with some options for ways to help you get started — START LEARNING BRIDGE HERE!

AiB Bidding Curriculum Summary: 10-Level