(76) What to Expect: Planning Rebids - What to Expect from Responder

Making a plan for how the auction is likely to go is very important.   This week, we look at what the Opener should be thinking about and how they should plan their rebid before they even start the auction.  

Hi All - 

I hope that everyone has gotten a good start on their bridge in the new year.   Many of us start the year with tournaments or will soon be escaping the cold of the outdoors for the warmth of the bridge table.   Good luck to everyone in the their bridge adventures.  

After starting the year with a brief overview of Captaincy we now to turn our focus to other good bidding habits.  One of the most important things the Opener can do in the bidding is to make a plan for their opening bid and have an idea of what they would like to do next.  We can't plan for every auction that might occur, but by having a basic plan we will have a starting point for dealing with interference and unexpected auctions that might occur.  

As always let me know if you have any questions and feel free to suggest topics or share these lessons with your friends and partners.

Take Care,
Robert (and the AiB Team)


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