Online Instruction & Play — Adventures in Bridge Home Page

Online Teaching

Robert host’s weekly Zoom Webinars (on Tuesday) as well as private online workshops with groups (contact us for more information).

But, the primary way that Robert and the members of the Adventures in Bridge teaching staff keep in touch with our students around the world is through This Week In Bridge (TWiB), a weekly email bridge lesson.  We provide the written lesson as a free service to all bridge players whom we mentor or who have an interest in learning more.   For our students who want more support in making progress on their bridge games, we provide a variety of online teaching and bridge play experiences.   This starts with our memberships clubs (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, and Notrump), but also can involve more individual instruction.

If you are really interested in improvement then the addition of a weekly online lesson is for you! 

Individual Online Lessons

The most common form of online teaching we do is individual instruction. Our online lessons are primarily conducted through Bridge Base Online (BBO) and involve many different modes of learning:

  • Phone discussions of questions from students' regular bridge play.

  • Playing bridge on the computer (through BBO).

  • Real time (or follow-up) phone discussions of online play.

On BBO we utilize specific types of instruction:

  • Partnership Bidding Table - Bidding and discussing of hands. Focused instruction on your bridge understanding and bidding agreements.

  • Play vs. Robots - Teaching Tables and Matchpoint / IMP Play Tables. Bidding, Play, Defense, and discussion of hands. All-around bridge improvement.

  • Play vs. People - Speedball Tournaments, Training Sessions, and Challenge Matches. These are the closest replicas to actual in-person play.

Cost:   We charge by the hour for these types of online instruction.   $80-$200/hr based on the instructor and type of event.


Other AiB Online Teaching Options

AiB provides many other types of online educational bridge experiences.  

  • Partnership Lessons - Two students with one instructor (half the cost of individual lessons for each student).

  • Online Play Analysis - Email follow-ups to Speedball Tournments and other online play events.

  • Partnership Coaching & Training - Work with partnerships to prepare for specific events.

  • Host Your Own Match - AiB Instructors kibitz and instruct (comment) on your play with your friends on BBO.

  • AiB Team Games - Student - Teacher pairs playing team-game-style matches on BBO.

To get started or to find out more information about AiB online bridge instruction give us a call at 850 570 6459 or send us an email.