(83) More 2/1: Bypassing 4-card Suits

Hi Everyone -

This month we will return to 2/1 Game Forcing Auctions.  In our previous discussions of 2/1 GF auctions we have examined many of the core aspects of why the system is useful.   This month we will focus on some of the trickier aspects of 2/1 and some details that we may have skipped over previously.    Our topics of discussion will be: 

1 - Bypassing 4-card Majors
2 - Bidding the 4th Suit
3 - Solid Suits
4 - Splinters
5 - Pattern Out Auctions 

We will begin with a discussion of when to bypass a 4-card Major in order to enter a 2/1 GF auction.  We will see how these choices affect our agreements and how they help develop the best auction for our side.

As always let me know if you have any questions and feel free to suggest topics or share these lessons with your friends and partners.

Take Care,
Robert (and the AiB Team)


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