Learn to Play Bridge — Adventures in Bridge Home Page

It’s Time to Learn to Play Bridge

This section of the website is here to help you learn to play bridge! We will be adding more materials to this page on a regular basis — growing and developing ways to help you enjoy this fabulous game.

First Time Playing

There are also some other things that are important for you to learn about the mechanics of the game.

  1. See Bridge Played and Start to Understand How It Works

  2. Bidding Basics (Position, Rotation, The Language of Bidding, Contracts, etc..)

  3. Card-Play Basics (Declarer, Dummy, Lead, Rotation, Tricks, etc.. )

Now you can start working on the fundamentals!

Learn Bridge BidDing

ROBERT’S BIDDING BASICS (click here to a digital version of the book) is a short book designed to introduce you to the key concepts of modern bidding. Below are practice hands to go along with the book (the numbers in parenthesis are the sections of the book that correspond to the practice hands).

Start with reading: Fundamental Concepts - Hand Evaluation, Hand Type, Opener’s Buckets (1-3). Then move on to the practice hands while you read each of these short sections.



materials in development

Learn BRIDGE Defense

materials in development

App for Learning

Tricky Bridge - Tricky Bridge is available for iPhone or Android.