After a 1-Major opening and a takeout double by the opponent, Responder can use transfer bids to effectively compete in the bidding.
(155) Advanced Competitive Bidding: McCabe
(154) Balancing: More Balancing
(153) Balancing: Range Stayman
(152) Balancing: Balancing with Distributional Hands
(151) Balancing: Balancing NT
(150) More Competitive Bidding: Two Places to Play NT Bid
(149) More Competitive Bidding: Good-Bad 2NT
(148) More Competitive Bidding: After Partner's Responsive Double
(147) More Competitive Bidding: After Partner's Negative Double
(146) More Competitive Bidding: What is a Stopper?
(145) Constructive Low-Level Bidding: Bidding After Partner's Redouble
(144) Constructive Low-Level Bidding: XYZ
(143) Constructive Low-Level Bidding: 1C - 1D - 1H - 1S*
(142) Constructive Low-Level Bidding: Rebids After 1NT Semi-forcing
(141) Bidding Philosophy: Transfers in Competition
(140) Bidding Philosophy: Lead Directing Doubles
(139) Bidding Philosophy: Cuebidding the Opponent's Suit
(138) Bidding Philosophy: Steps vs. Specific Bids
This month we return to discussions of Bidding Philosophy. We begin by examining the differences in natural auctions (also called specific auctions) and step-based auctions. In doing so, we try to understand how we communicate with partner and why we have different approaches for different situations.