When we jump to game with a good hand the danger is that we miss a slam. This week we look at how we can use 3NT as a conventional call to solve this problem.
(135) More Advanced Bidding: Internal Reverses
(134) More Advanced Bidding: Upgrade to Jacoby 2NT
(133) Defensive Details: Suit Preference Situations
(132) Defensive Details: Smith Echo (Reverse)
(131) Defensive Details: Ace or Queen for Attitude; King for Count (Unblock)
(130) Defensive Details: Dummy Has Qxx+
(129) Defense - Opening Leads: Visualizing Suits
(128) Defense - Opening Leads: Rule of 10 or 12 (3rd or 5th Best Leads)
(127) Defense - Opening Leads: Interpreting Partner's Lead
(126) Defense - Opening Leads: Rule of 11
(125) Declarer Play - Suits: Misfits and Moysians
(124) Declarer Play - Suits: Ruffing Values
(123) Declarer Play - Suits: Trump Fits
(122) Declarer Play - Suits: Counting Losers
Suit Contracts play differently than Notrump Contracts. Specifically, in most suit contracts we are in control of the hand, because we have a trump suit. This allows us to count our losers instead of worrying about our more immediate winners. This week, we begin our discussion of suit contracts by taking a look at how this works in more detail.
(121) Declarer Play - Notrump: Length vs. Strength
In all contracts, but especially in Notrump, developing a long suit into winners is a highly effective way to make our contract. We will look at these options and compare them to establishing tricks the old fashioned way (with our High Cards) and see how we can combine these two skills to improve our play.