Discards are an important way to communicate with partner. But not just the first discard, every discard matters. Here we look at discards later in the play.
(504) Middle of the Hand Defense: Card Combinations in the Middle of the Hand
(503) Middle of the Hand Defense: Surround Plays and Power Shifts
(502) Middle of the Hand Defense: Splitting Honors on Defense
(501) Middle of the Hand Defense: Return Partner's Lead? If Shift, Then How?
(500) Middle of the Hand Defense
(499) Middle of the Hand Defense: Getting Our Ruffs
(498) Middle of the Hand Defense: Which Honor to Cover or Capture
(479) Defensive Carding: Partnership Defense Philosophy
(478) Defensive Carding: Dummy has Qxx+
(477) Defensive Carding: More Suit Preference
(476) Defensive Carding: Suit Preference Signals
(475) Defensive Carding: Smith Echo (Reverse)
Against a NT contract, when the opponents win the first trick and attack another suit they are often leading their best suit. In this case, we have an opportunity to communicate with partner. Smith Echo is an agreement that makes use of this situation to tell partner if the opening lead was good or not.