1.1 Full Valued

1.2 More Shapely

1.3 Highly Distributional

1.4 3-cards in the other Major

1.5 5431 with 5-card minor

1.6 5431 with good 5-card Major

1.7 5431 with weak 5-card Major

1.8 4333 with "3 small cards" in the Opponent's suit

1.9 4333 with Points in the Opponent's suit

1.10 Strong Hand with Takeout Double Shape

2.1 Vs. 1D Overcall

2.2 Both Unbid Suits

2.3 Other Major and Partner's Suit

2.4 Other Major and the Opponent's Suit

2.5 One Long Major

2.6 One Long minor

2.7 Freebid vs Negative Double

2.8 1D - 2C - ?

2.9 Vs. 3C Jump Overcall

2.10 Vs. 3S Overcall