3.1 The Unbid Suits

3.2 The Other Major and a Fit

3.3 The Other Major and NT

3.4 5-5 in Unbid Suits

3.5 Weak 5-5 in Unbid Suits

3.6 Major and a minor

3.7 Values Needed?

3.8 The Unusual NT

3.9 Preemptive Auction

3.10 Opponent's minor suit Fit

4.1 Balanced Minimum

4.2 1-Suited Minimum

4.3 Strong Balanced Hand

4.4 Another Strong Balanced Hand

4.5 Vs. Takeout Double

4.6 Vs. 2-Level Overall

4.7 Penalty Double?

4.8 Pattern Out

4.9 Minor Suit Response

4.10 Vs. 3-Level Interference