Tuesday 9/22/20 (84 min)
Modern Preemptive Opening bids take away the opponent's bidding space and force them into difficult decisions. Here we look at which hands are best for attacking and which hands can get us into trouble.
12/5/22 (65 min)
The modern system for bidding when we have a fit for partner's minor, called inverted minors, works on improving our ability to look for game or slam in a minor suit -- which is the most common time we want to support a minor suit. Make sure you and partner have a good grasp of these methods, both for playing them and playing against them.
12/12/22 (66 min)
One of the most powerful tools we have in competitive bidding is the preemptive raise. When we have a minor suit fit the opponents will often have a major suit fit. We want to make it as difficult as possible for them to find that fit and using preemptive raises is one the best ways to make their life difficult.
12/19/22 (69 min)
There are certain minor suit hands that can play extremely well in NT contracts. If evaluated correctly these hands can be bid in a way that makes the auction relatively simple. Let's make sure that you do not torture your partner with these hands when you could keep it simple and get to the right contract.
12/27/22 (63 min)
When we have a good hand and a minor suit fit then we may want to explore a minor suit slam. Part of the art form of minor suit slam bidding is using tools to explore slam while keeping a NT contract in the picture. Here we look at how to use these tools and better judge our minor suit slam.
Tuesday 9/22/20 (84 min)
Modern Preemptive Opening bids take away the opponent's bidding space and force them into difficult decisions. Here we look at which hands are best for attacking and which hands can get us into trouble.
Tuesday 9/29/20 (86 min)
Everyone loves to bid their long suits. But sometimes bidding gets you into trouble. Make sure that you have what partner expects by tailoring your overcalls to different situations. Have your bid!