
Comp Bidding - 1-L vs 2-L Overcalls

Comp Bidding - 1-L vs 2-L Overcalls

10/5/21 (72 min)

Here we look at simple overcalls in depth. We focus on the differences in what is needed to make a 1-Level vs. a 2-Level Overcall -- from suit quality differences to overall playing strength. We look at why there is such a difference in the requirements for these two actions.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Comp Bidding - Double, Overcall, and Jump Overcall

Comp Bidding - Double, Overcall, and Jump Overcall

10/12/21 (72 min)

When our RHO opens the bidding and we have a hand that qualifies for a couple of different actions then we need to make the best choice, not just the first one that comes to our mind. Here we look at how the location of our honors helps us make these decisions.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Comp Bidding - Overcalling 4-card Suits

Comp Bidding - Overcalling 4-card Suits

10/19/21 (64 min)

When we have a balanced opening hand but before we can open the bidding RHO bids in front of us, then we have to change our plan. Here we look at our options for how we do so, with a focus on an option that many players overlook -- overcalling a 4-card suit.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS