Important Comp Bidding

Important Competitive Bidding - Weak and Mixed Raises

Important Competitive Bidding - Weak and Mixed Raises

3/21/22 (65 min)

When we have a good fit for partner we want to let them know it as soon as we possibly can. We also need to communicate our values. All of this must be done while keeping the auction at a reasonable level. Here we look at how to compete and describe our hands.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Important Competitive Bidding - Using the LOTT in Comp

Important Competitive Bidding - Using the LOTT in Comp

3/28/22 (65 min)

The Law of Total Tricks is one of our most important competitive bidding guidelines. Join us as we look at how to make use of it. There are some conventional bids that do this, but it is even more important to understand how to make use of this tool to help you better compete.

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Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Important Competitive Bidding - Doubles on 2nd Round of Bidding

Important Competitive Bidding - Doubles on 2nd Round of Bidding

4/4/22 (65 min)

The Double is our most valuable competitive bidding tool. Most players feel comfortable using Takeout, Negative, Responsive, and Support Doubles. But one of the keys to good competitive bidding is to become better at using the double later in the bidding. Here we look at these more sophisticated uses of double!

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Important Competitive Bidding - Rebids after Takeout Double

Important Competitive Bidding - Rebids after Takeout Double

4/11/22 (64 min)

We frequently use a Takeout Double to compete in the bidding. But this often does not end the auction. There is often more bidding by the opponent's or by partner. Here we look at how to continue the bidding in these auctions to allow us to best make a cooperative decision with partner.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Important Competitive Bidding - Slam Tries in Competition

Important Competitive Bidding - Slam Tries in Competition

4/18/22 (65 min)

People open the bidding and compete in the bidding more and more aggressively these days. We actually can sometimes make a slam even when the opponent's bid. But we also have to be careful not to get the auction too high, the 5-Level down 1 is a bad result. Here we look at our tools for trying for Slam in competitive bidding auctions.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS