RBB Landing Set 5 - 05

Robert’S Bidding Basics: Responding to 1-Major (set 5 of 14)

Major suit fits are the most important ones to find. When partners begins the auction with 1-Major then finding a Major suit fit can be easier. Let's look at how we Respond to a Major suit opening so that we give our side the best chance for finding a fit and getting to the best final contract.

You can find Robert’s Bidding. Basics book here.

MCB Landing Set 6 - 433

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing by Responder (set 6 of 9)

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Balancing by Responder
This week we look at balancing in more detail. Our focus is on Balancing by the Responder — how they fight their way back into the auction.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 433.

MCB Landing Set 7 - 434

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing NT Bids (set 7 of 9)

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Balancing NT Bids
When we are in the balancing seat we need many ways to compete in the bidding. We can use NT bids to compete in the bidding to describe the appropriate hands.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 434.

RBB Landing Set 4 - 04

Robert’S Bidding Basics: Responding to 1-Minor (set 4 of 14)

Now that we know how to open the bidding with 1-minor then we need to practice responding to 1-minor. We generally respond using natural bids in these auctions -- let's see how it works!

You can find Robert’s Bidding. Basics book here.

RBB Landing Set 3 - 03

Robert’S Bidding Basics: 1-Minor Openings (set 3 of 14)

When we have a good hand (opening bid values) and don't have the right hand for opening NT or 1-Major then we fallback on opening the bidding 1-minor (our least favorite opening bid). Here we look at auctions that begin with a 1-minor opening bid.

You can find Robert’s Bidding. Basics book here.

MCB Landing Set 8 - 435

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing with Distributional Hands (set 8 of 9)

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Balancing with Distributional Hands
This week we continue our discussion on balancing with a focus on our options for doing so with distributional hands.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 435.

RBB Landing Set 2 - 02

Robert’S Bidding Basics: 1-Major Openings (set 2 of 14)

Other than 1NT, the most important opening bid in bridge is 1-Major (1H or 1S). Here we look at hands that begin with these openings and how the auctions usually proceed.

You can find Robert’s Bidding. Basics book here.

MCB Landing Set 9 - 436

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: More Balancing (set 9 of 9)

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More Balancing
This week we focus on balancing back into the bidding in a variety of different auctions — this is a key part of modern competitive bidding.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 436.

RBB Landing Set 1 - 01

Robert’S Bidding Basics: 1NT and 2NT Openings (set 1 of 14)

1NT and 2NT Opening Bids
Do you want to learn the basics of bridge bidding. The most important opening bids is NT. Here we look at the basics of opening the bidding with 1NT (or 2NT).

You can find Robert’s Bidding. Basics book here.


M2O1 Landing Set 1 - 419

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Pattern Out Auctions (set 1 of 9)

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Pattern Out Auctions
In a 2/1 GF auction we often use our 3rd bid to show more about our distribution. We call this “patterning out”. Here we look at how to use it to explore slam. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 419.

M2O1 Landing Set 2 - 420

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Splinters in 2/1 GF Auctions (set 2 of 9)

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Splinters in 2/1 GF Auctions
In 2/1 GF auctions we can use splinter bids to show a fit and shortness while keeping the auction at a relatively low level. Let's look at our options for how to do so. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 420.

M2O1 Landing Set 3 - 421

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Solid Suits in 2/1 GF Auctions (set 3 of 9)

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Solid Suis in 2/1 GF Auctions
Having an extremely powerful suit can help us reach slam even when the hand is a misfit. In 2/1 GF auctions we have a special way to show these hands. Here we see how to show these powerful suits to partner.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 421.

M2O1 Landing Set 4 - 422

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Bypassing a 4-card Suit in 2/1 GF Auctions (set 4 of 9)

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Bypassing a 4-card Suit in 2/1 GF Auctions
Deciding which suit to bid, to create a game forcing auction or after you are already in one, can be a difficult decision. Here we look at when it is ok to bypass a 4-card suit vs when we should just be as cheaply as possible.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 422.

M2O1 Landing Set 5 - 423

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Delayed Splinters (set 5 of 9)

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2/1 GF: Delayed Splinters
After a 2/1 GF and rebid we may find a fit. If we do, one of our options for is a delayed splinter. This shows a fit and shortness. Let's look at how we use these bids to try for slam in these auctions.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 423.

M2O1 Landing Set 6 - 424

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Bidding 4th suit in 2/1 GF (set 6 of 9)

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2/1 GF: 4th Suit in 2/1 GF
When we are in a 2/1 GF auctions and we bid the 4th suit there is a potential for a misunderstand with partner. Here we look at what types hands may need to bid the 4th suit in a game forcing auction.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 424.

M2O1 Landing Set 7 - 425

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Using NT Bids in 2/1 GF Auctions (set 7 of 9)

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2/1 GF: Using NT Bids in 2/1 GF Auctions
In the middle of a 2/1 GF auction some of the most useful bids that we can make are NT bids. This is true for both Opener and Responder. Here we look at how we use these bids to show stoppers and properly describe the strength of our hand.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 425.

M2O1 Landing Set 8 - 426

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: Special 2M and 2NT Rebids in 2/1 GF (set 8 of 9)

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2/1 GF: Special 2M and 2NT Rebids in 2/1 GF
Here we look at a modern expert treatment in 2/1 GF auctions which uses a 2NT rebid like the rebid of a suit — showing a 6+card suit. Let’s see how it work and how it helps redefine our bidding structure.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 426.

M2O1 Landing Set 9 - 427

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More 2/1 GF: In Competition (set 9 of 9)

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2/1 GF: In Competition
2/1 bids are game-forcing as part of our constructive bidding system. But when we are in a competitive bidding system things change. Here we look at how 2/1 bids change in competition.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 427.

COM Landing Set 1 - 411

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Competitive Bidding: 2-Level Preemptive Openings (set 1 of 8)

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Competitive Bidding: 2-Level Preemptive Openings
When we have a long suit and not a lot of values, then most of our playing strength is offensive and only if our long suit is trump. This is exactly what a preemptive opening bid shows. Here we look at all of the factors we need to consider in order to make good decisions about whether or not to preempt.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 411.

COM Landing Set 2 - 412

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Competitive Bidding: Higher-Level Preemptive Openings (set 2 of 8)

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Competitive Bidding: Higher-Level Preemptive Openings
Here we look at how we further attack the opponents by using our higher-level preemptive bidding tools. Making the opponent's life difficult is one of the pleasures of bridge!

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 412.