MCB Landing Set 1 - 428

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Is it Forcing? by Responder (set 1 of 9)

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Is it Forcing? by Responder
When partner opens the bidding and RHO competes the Responder often wants to compete further in the bidding. Responder has a set of tools for competing — one of the most important agreements to have “Is Responder’s Bid Forcing?” You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 428.

MCB Landing Set 2 - 429

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Is it Forcing? by Advancer (set 2 of 9)

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Is it Forcing? by Advancer
When LHO opens the bidding and partner competes in the bidding the auctions can get very complicated. As the Advancer we often have many difficult decision about how to compete in the bidding. Here we look at these options and make sure that we have good agreements about which bids are forcing!
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 428.

MCB Landing Set 3 - 430

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Law of Total Tricks (set 3 of 9)

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Law of Total Tricks
When we have a large fit, one of our most valuable tools for determining how much to bid is the Law of Total Tricks. The simple version of this bidding guideline is to bid to the size of our fit. This is particularly valuable in helping us know how much to bid in competitive auctions. Get some practice in using this tool to help you evaluate the playing strength of your hand. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 430.

MCB Landing Set 4 - 431

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Cuebidding Opponent’s Suit (set 4 of 9)

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Cuebidding Opponent’s Suit
When the opponent’s bid a suit they give us the opportunity to bid their suit as a special communication tool with partner. This is called cuebidding the opponent’s suit. Here we look at the meaning of these cuebids early in the auction.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 431.

MCB Landing Set 5 - 432

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: More Cuebids (set 5 of 9)

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More Cuebids
Bidding the opponent’s suit is a is useful on the 1st round of the bidding and later. Here we look at how we use this cuebid later in the bidding.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 432.

MCB Landing Set 6 - 433

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing by Responder (set 6 of 9)

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Balancing by Responder
This week we look at balancing in more detail. Our focus is on Balancing by the Responder — how they fight their way back into the auction.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 433.

MCB Landing Set 7 - 434

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing NT Bids (set 7 of 9)

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Balancing NT Bids
When we are in the balancing seat we need many ways to compete in the bidding. We can use NT bids to compete in the bidding to describe the appropriate hands.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 434.

MCB Landing Set 8 - 435

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: Balancing with Distributional Hands (set 8 of 9)

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Balancing with Distributional Hands
This week we continue our discussion on balancing with a focus on our options for doing so with distributional hands.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 435.

MCB Landing Set 9 - 436

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

More Competitive Bidding: More Balancing (set 9 of 9)

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More Balancing
This week we focus on balancing back into the bidding in a variety of different auctions — this is a key part of modern competitive bidding.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 436.