TWIB Lesson #320 (1 of 8)
This week we look at one of the most common and most abused bids in all of competitive bidding: the 1-level overcall.
TWiB Lesson #544 (4 of 9)
When constructing a system to allow us to bid over these weak 1NT openings we need to take a different approach than bidding over a strong 1NT opening. Thus, we construct our bidding system to allow us to explore game and make constructive bids, not just be destructive.
TWiB Lesson #545 (5 of 9)
After partner opens 1NT, we have a good structure for using our bids efficiently to describe our hand to partner. But when the opponents interfere in our auction, we lose some of this valuable bidding space and need to change our approach in order to deal with their interference.
TWiB Lesson #546 (6 of 9)
There are many systems the opponents play in order to interfere over our 1NT opening bid, but almost all of these systems use the 3-level (actually 2NT+) for the same meanings – 2NT as a weak bid showing both minors and 3-level bids as weak with a long suit, preemptive. It is important that you and partner are on the same page for how to deal with this higher-level interference.
TWiB Lesson #547 (7 of 9)
When we open the bidding with 1NT if an opponent makes a penalty double, we are less likely to be we are usually looking to escape from a 1NT contract and attempt to find some safer place to play. This safe place will hopefully be our largest fit or a long suit in the weak hand (in Responder’s hand). In order to find this place to play we need to look at how Responder’s bidding options change after a penalty double.
TWiB Lesson #548 (8 of 9)
Lebensohl is an excellent system for dealing with interference over our 1NT opening bids. But Lebensohl has some flaws. In Lebensohl auctions we will often play the hand from the “wrong” side (Responder’s side.) Another flaw in Lebensohl relates to Responder’s strength. Responder often has three strengths (buckets) let’s see how Transfer Lebensohl is an upgrade to this.
TWIB Lesson #320 (1 of 8)
This week we look at one of the most common and most abused bids in all of competitive bidding: the 1-level overcall.
TWIB Lesson #321 (2 of 8)
This week we look at overcalls at the 2-level, some of the most abused bids in all of bridge.
TWIB Lesson #322 (3 of 8)
This week we look at making a 2-level preempt after our RHO has opened the bidding.
TWIB Lesson #323 (4 of 8)
Overcalls that show two suits at once can be effective competitive tools.
TWIB Lesson #324 (5 of 8)
Here we look at our bidding options and considerations when LHO opens the bidding and RHO responds - Bidding in the Sandwich Seat.
TWIB Lesson #325 (6 of 8)
Here we look at our options for how to overcall in the balancing seat.
TWIB Lesson #326 (7 of 8)
Here we look at what we show when we make NT overcalls in a variety of different situations.
TWIB Lesson #327 (8 of 8)
This week we look at making those jump overcalls at even higher levels.