(70) Constructive Bidding Tools: Kokish Over 2C Opening

Hi All -  

We end the year with a discussion of Constructive Bidding Tools.   These tools will be sophisticated at times, but in the end they are relatively straightforward to use once you have a basic understanding of how the tools work.  

This collection of five topics will be released throughout November and the first week in December.  We will then take a break for the rest of December to give you all a chance to catch up and enjoy the holidays.  We will begin again in January.  

Constructive Bidding Tools - 

(70)  Kokish over 2C Opening
(71)  Control Showing Cuebids
(72)  Forcing Passes  (accompanied by *17 High Level Doubles: Forcing Passes)
(73)  Minorwood
(74)  Help Suit Game Tries for Slam  (accompanied by *22 Fits:  Help Suit Game Tries)

 *You will notice that with #72 and #74 we have included a some additional articles.  These are previously unreleased OLS that are foundational to understanding the topic.  

As always, I hope you enjoy the lessons and feel free to email us with comments or questions.  If you have friends that you think would enjoy being added to the email list either send us their email or have them get in touch with us.

Take Care,


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