(191) Competitive Bidding: Bidding Over Strong 2C (and 1C) Openings - Mathe

Hi All - 

This month we look at a collection of competitive bidding situations where some unusual bidding occurs and we need to have some agreements with partner and to have thought about these situations in advance.

1 (191) Bidding Over Strong 2C (and 1C) Openings - Mathe
2 (192) Dealing with Interference Over 2C Openings
3 (193) Bidding Over Short Opening Bids – “Short 1C” (or 1D)
4 (194) Sandwich 1NT Overcalls

This week we look at how to bid when the opponents open the bidding with a Strong Artificial Forcing (SAF) Opening Bid like 2C.   We want to be able to make life difficult for the opponents and here we look at how to compete in these situations. 


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