7 Reasons to Teach Your Kids Bridge

Sam Andino tries his hand as Dummy for his mom.

From the Huffington Post, this article "7 Reasons to Teach Your Kids Bridge" is a great intro to why this game should be introduced to everyone, but especially to kids.  The mental, logical, and social advantages afforded by this game we all love can be wonderfully influential on young minds too!

Many of the school bridge initiatives have found their best success at the middle school level, but no one is ever really too old or too young to learn at least some of the basics.

You can find more info about Youth Bridge all over the internet.   The ACBL's website at youth4bridge.org is a good place to start, and Atlanta Junior Bridge is one of the largest and most successful programs around.  And of course, capitalizing on kids' propensity for computers is a good idea with bridge too - Bridge Base offers several learning opportunities as well as the chance for kids to just go play bridge with their friends.

Getting kids involved in bridge is near and dear to our hearts here at AiB - please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions or just want to learn more and help out!