PB Landing Set 4 - 457

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Partnership Bidding: Our Preemptive Opening Auctions (set 4 of 9)

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Partnership Bidding: Our Preemptive Opening Auctions
This week we look at Partnership agreements when our side starts the auction with a preempt. These are common and difficult auctions and ones we need to work together with partner to make sure we get right. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 457.

PB Landing Set 3 - 456

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Partnership Bidding: Our Major Suit Auctions (set 3 of 8)

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Partnership Bidding: Our Major Suit Auctions
When partner opens the bidding with 1-Major this helps us find our Major suit fit. But it can get complicated quickly. Here we look at some of these complex auctions and make sure that we have some agreements with partners to help us avoid a disastrous mixup.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 456.

PB Landing Set 2 - 455

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Partnership Bidding: Our Minor Suit Auctions (set 2 of 8)

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Partnership Bidding: Our Minor Suit Auctions
When we open the bidding with 1-minor there are a lot of possible auctions for us to remember and consider with partner. Here we look at some auctions (more in the Partnership Bidding Workbook) to make sure we have some agreements.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 455.

PB Landing Set 1 - 454

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Partnership Bidding: Our NT Auctions (set 1 of 8)

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Partnership Bidding: Our NT Auctions
Partnership Bidding Workbook work begins — Here we look at auctions were we open NT and try to make sure we have good agreements with partner!
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 454.

DB Landing Set 8 - 453

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Visualizing Suits (set 8 of 8)

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Visualizing Suits
When defending a hand it is important to try to visualize the layout of the suit around the table. This is helps guide us in determining whether to be active or passive on defense.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 453.

DB Landing Set 7 - 452

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Forcing Defense (set 7 of 8)

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Forcing Defense
As a defender, one way to use our trump is to try and get a ruff. But another way is to force the Declarer to ruff and try to take control of the hand -- this forcing defense is a powerful strategy.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 452.

DB Landing Set 6 - 451

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Recognizing Danger (set 6 of 8)

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Recognizing Danger
When we are defending a hand we need to know if we should fear our tricks going away. In order to determine this, we need to be able to recognize if danger exists or not. Here we look at how to do so.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 451.

DB Landing Set 5 - 450

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Figuring Our Declarer’s Distribution (set 5 of 8)

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Figuring Out Declarer’s Distribution
When it comes to defending a hand it is important to try to figure out the declarer’s distribution. Here we look at some of the things we need to do to make that happen.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 450

DB Landing Set 4 - 449

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Assumptions on Defense (set 4 of 8)

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Assumptions on Defense
A key way to make defense simpler is to assume that the declarer is logical. Here we look at how you make assumptions on the defense that make your job much easier!
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 449.

DB Landing Set 3 - 448

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defense Basics: Opening Leads - Listen to the Auction (set 3 of 8)

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Defense Basics: Opening Leads - Listen to the Auction
When you are choosing an opening lead your hand helps you decide what to lead. Bug just as important as your cards are what the auction tells us — listen to the auction and let it guide you!
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 448.

DB Landing Set 2 - 447

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defensive Basics When You See a Discard Coming, Get Active! (set 2 of 8)

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When You See a Discard Coming, Get Active!
Once we know how to be active and how to be passive on defense, then we need learn how to recognize the signs that tell us that we need to attack!
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 447.

DB Landing Set 1 - 446

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Defensive Basics: Types of Def - Active vs. Passive (set 1 of 8)

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Defensive Basics: Types of Def - Active vs. Passive
The type of Defense we choose to play is an important “high level” decision. Here we look at Active vs. Passive — two of the most important types of defense.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 446.

SC Landing Set 9 - 445

SC Landing Set 9 - 445

Suit Contracts — Dummy Reversal
We normally like to ruff in the short side. But sometimes we my take many ruffs in the long side — setting up the short side. This “Dummy Reversal” is an excellent line of play on certain hands and vs certain defenses.

SC Landing Set 8 - 444

SC Landing Set 8 - 444

Suit Contracts — Discarding Losers on Dummy’s Strength
Here we look at when dummy has a side suit longer than we do and how we use dummies strength to discard our losers on that suit.

SC Landing Set 7 - 443

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Discarding Losers on Dummy’s Length (set 7 of 9)

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Discarding Losers on Dummy’s Length
When dealing with the losers in a side suit, if our holding is shorter than dummy’s then we dummy will provide a valuable asset — let’s see how.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 443.

SC Landing Set 6 - 442

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Losers with Equal Length in Dummy (set 6 of 9)

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Losers with Equal Length in Dummy
In a suit contract how we deal with our side suit losers can vary dramatically. When dummy has the same length in a suit as we do then we can not easily ruff any of our losers in a side suit. Here we look at how we handle losers in these equal length suits.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 442.

SC Landing Set 5 - 441

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Losers when Dummy has Shortness (set 5 of 9)

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Losers When Dummy Has Shortness
One useful way to evaluate a side suit is by looking at the relative length of the suit in our hand and the dummy. When dummy (let’s assume that is the short trump side ) has shortness then we can use dummy to help ruff our losers.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 441.

SC Landing Set 4 - 440

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Support Points (set 4 of 9)

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Support Points
The value of shortness varies based on where it located and the size of our fit. Here we look at how we assign a different number of points to re-evaluate our hand in different situations.

You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 440.

SC Landing Set 3 - 439

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Ruffing Values (set 3 of 9)

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Ruffing Values
Ruffing can help us reduce our number of losers in a variety of different ways. Here we look at how ruffing can help us improve the play of our hand.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 439.

SC Landing Set 2 - 438

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Suit Contracts: Trump Fits (set 2 of 9)

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Trump Fits
Ruffing can help us reduce our number of losers in a variety of different ways. Here we look at how ruffing can help us improve the play of our hand.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 438.