2O1 Landing Set 2 - 370

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: 1D - 2C (set 2 of 9)

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1D - 2C
One of the most confusing auctions in 2/1 GF is 1D - 2C. Here we take a look at it in detail to make sure that we are on the same page with partner about how to deal with these hands.You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 370.

2O1 Landing Set 3 - 371

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: Opener’s Rebids (set 3 of 9)

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Opener’s Rebids
Here we look at the meaning of Opener's rebids after opening 1-Major and hearing partner make a 2/1 GF bid. We look at the modern approach of using "2-Major Waiting" and "3-Level Extra Values"
. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 371.

2O1 Landing Set 4 - 372

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: Responder’s Rebids (set 4 of 9)

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Responder’s Rebids
Responder's second bid is an important one for getting our side to the right final contract. Let's look at how we use our rebid and concepts like fast arrival to continue the auction and lead to the best final destination. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 372.

2O1 Landing Set 5 - 373

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: Responder’s Non-GF Bids (set 5 of 9)

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Responder’s Non-GF Bids
When we are responding to our partner's 1-Major opening and we do not have enough vales to force to game, we have a different set of tools for describing our hand. Here we look at how to use those tools. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 373.

2O1 Landing Set 6 - 374

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: Opener’s Rebids over 1NT Semi-Forcing (set 6 of 9)

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Opener’s Rebids Over 1NT Semi-Forcing
When partner responds using 1NT Semi-Forcing we need to know how to describe our hand. Here we look at Opener's rebids after a 1NT SF response
. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 374.

2O1 Landing Set 7 - 375

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

2/1 GF: Responder’s Rebids over 1NT Semi-Forcing (set 7 of 9)

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Responder’s Rebids Over 1NT SF
Here we look at how to use our rebid after starting with 1NT Semi-Forcing to describe our hand to partner. It is important to communicate both our shape and strength. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 375.

2O1 Landing Set 8 - 376

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands


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Opener’s 3rd Bid with 2-Suited Hands
As Opener when we have a hand with 15-17 points we are not strong enough to jump shift. Here we look at how we use a third bid to fully describe our hand. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 376.

RR Landing Set 1 - 360

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Opener’s NT Rebids (set 1 of 9)

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After Opener’s NT Rebid
Responder's second bid can be a time when partnerships have mixups. Here we look at how we continue the bidding when the opener rebids 1NT (or 2NT) to show a balanced hand. We need to be on the same page with partner about what bids are corrective, invitationals, and forcing to game. Let's see how and when it can be used by Responder to continue the auction. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 360.

RR Landing Set 2 - 361

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Opener Rebids their suit (set 2 of 9)

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After Opener Rebids Their Suit
Here we look at how we continue the bidding when Opener rebids the suit that opened, showing a 1-suited hand. We need to be on the same page with partner about what bids are non-forcing constructive, invitational, and forcing to game. Let's see how Responder can continue the auction.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 361.

RR Landing Set 3 - 362

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Opener’s 2-suited Rebid (set 3 of 9)

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After Opener’s 2-Suited Rebid
When the opener start with a suit and rebids a second suit then the auctions can be a challenge for the Responder. Here we look at Responder's options for how to continue the bidding in these situations. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 362.

RR Landing Set 4 - 363

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Opener’s Strong 2-suited Hand
(set 4 of 9)

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After Opener’s Strong 2-Suited Hand
When Opener shows a strong 2-suited hand the auction can be challenging for the Responder. Here we look at Responder's options for how to continue the bidding in these situations and make sure to be clear about what bids are forcing and what bids are non-forcing.You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 363.

RR Landing Set 5 - 364

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After a support Double
(set 5 of 9)

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After a Support Double
In auctions where the Opener makes a support Double, showing 3-card support for Responder's Major suit, the Responder is often forced to make a rebid. We need to have good agreements with partner about the meaning of these bids. Let's take a look at these situations in detail. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 364.

RR Landing Set 6 - 365

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Making a Negative Double
(set 6 of 9)

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After Making a Negative Double
Doubles are integral parts of bridge because they are flexible bids. We can use doubles in a variety of situations where no other bid is appropriate. A negative double is one of these flexible bids - when partner has bid and the opponent has interfered, our negative double says "partner, I want to be part of this auction but I don't have a more appropriate action right now." Let's look at some of the ways we can use a negative double. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 365.

RR Landing Set 7 - 366

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After Our Freebid
(set 7 of 9)

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After Our Freebid
As Responder, when we freely bid a new suit, it is forcing for at least one round (in traditional auctions). We usually have good agreements about this first round of the bidding. On the second round, we need to have good agreements about which bids are forcing and which are passable. Let's look at some of the ways we can use a negative double. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 366.

RR Landing Set 8 - 367

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After a Redouble
(set 8 of 9)

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After a Redouble
When the Responder starts the bidding by making a redouble, this often leads to some unusual auctions. We know this redouble shows a good hand, so now we need to make sure we are on the same page with partner about what the follow-up bidding means.
Let's look at some of the ways we can use a negative double. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 367.

RR Landing Set 9 - 368

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Responder’s Rebids: After LHO Overcalls
(set 9 of 9)

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After LHO Overcalls
As Responder, when our LHO makes an overcall, partner uses their bidding tools to further describe their hand to us. We then need to know how to continue the auction. Here we look at this in detail. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 368.

X Landing Set 1 - 352

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Doubles: Takeout Doubles (set 1 of 8)

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Takeout Doubles
When our RHO opens the bidding, our options for competing in the bidding are overcalls and takeout doubles. The takeout double is an important tool in modern competitive bidding. Let's take a look at some examples of how and when to use this bidding tool. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 352.

X Landing Set 2 - 353

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Doubles: Negative Doubles (set 2 of 8)

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Negative Doubles
When partner opens the bidding with a suit and RHO overcalls another suit, one of the most important tools we have as Responder is the negative double. Let's look at the hands where we may need this bidding tool. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 353.

X Landing Set 3 - 354

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Doubles: Responsive Doubles (set 3 of 8)

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Responsive Doubles
When the opponents bid and raise a suit and partner takes some action in the middle (an overcall or a takeout double), we can use a responsive double to compete in the bidding and search for our best fit. This is a powerful bidding tool, especially when partner makes takeout doubles with only 3-cards in some of the unbid suits. Let's take a look at how to use these effectively. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at
https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 354.

X Landing Set 4 - 355

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Doubles: Support Doubles (set 4 of 8)

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Support Doubles
When we open the bidding, partner responds, and RHO comes into the auction before we get to make our rebid, it seems to make life more difficult. By playing support doubles (and redoubles), we actually get to use the opponents' bids against them and better describe our hand to partner. Make sure you know what each action shows and implies.You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at https://www.advinbridge.com/twib-signup This set accompanies TWiB 355.