5.1 Strong 4M Auction

5.2 Help Suit Game Try

5.3 Limit Raise

5.4 Jacoby 2NT

5.5 Splinter

5.6 Weak Raise to Game

5.7 Accepted Invite

5.8 An Unbid Suit

5.9 4M Preempt

5.10 Preempt Raised to Game

6.1 Against a Preempt

6.2 Into a Strong Hand

6.3 When They Splinter

6.4 Versus "Limping" Auction

6.5 Dummy Shows Shortness

6.6 Weak Dummy

6.7 Dummy has a Long Suit

6.8 Danger in Dummy

6.9 Powerful Holding

6.10 Attack