1.1 Gerber

1.2 4NT Quantitative

1.3 Delayed Gerber

1.4 Stayman then Quantitative

1.5 First and Last NT

1.6 2nd Round Gerber

1.7 1430 Gerber

1.8 2 with a Minimum

1.9 Min or Max

1.10 Maximum Show Kings

2.1 1430 Keycard Blackwood

2.2 Partner Asks Us

2.3 Keycard in the Last Bid Suit

2.4 Queen Ask

2.5 Queen, No Kings

2.6 Extras with the Queen and a King

2.7 1430 Keycard in a Minor

2.8 Exploring Minor Suit Slams

2.9 King Ask

2.10 Take a Guess