7.1 Ruffing Out Dummy's Suit

7.2 Don't Rule Out Small Spots

7.3 Setting Up a 5-1 Fit

7.4 Setting Up Txxxx

7.5 Pitching From the Long Hand

7.6 Lead Up to Dummy's Suit

7.7 Leading Up to a King

7.8 Do We Have the Resources

7.9 Ace-Empty 7-Card Fit

7.10 Side Fit that Solves No Losers

8.1 Cards to Promote

8.2 Lead Up to the King

8.3 Promoting Cards for Later Pitches

8.4 Leading Up to KQTx

8.5 Finesse and Promote

8.6 Setup QJT

8.7 Finessing Twice

8.8 What About Jack?

8.9 Setup QJTx

8.10 Setup JTxx