3.1 Simple Raise

3.2 Simple Raise with Four

3.3 Q=LR+

3.4 One More Push

3.5 Jump Raise

3.6 Jump Cuebid

3.7 Jump to Game

3.8 Splinter

3.9 Lesser Cuebid

3.10 Greater Cuebid

4.1 Simple Raise

4.2 Weak Jump Raise

4.3 Greater Cuebid

4.4 Cuebidding Opener's Suit

4.5 A Natural Bid?

4.6 Coming into an OBAR Auction

4.7 Do We Need to Say Anything

4.8 Bidding to the LOTT Level

4.9 Bidding to the LOTT Level

4.10 Cut Partner Some Slack