7.1 Raising Advancer

7.2 The Smallest Lie

7.3 Jump Raise

7.4 Game Raise

7.5 Overcaller's Splinter

7.6 Advancer Bids at the 2-Level

7.7 Another Game Raise

7.8 Double and Raise

7.9 Double and Jump Raise

7.10 Double and Double Again

8.1 Raising Partner's Second Suit

8.2 Re-Evaluate

8.3 Stretch to Keep the Auction Open

8.4 Wild Shape

8.5 4th Suit Forcing

8.6 Raising an Unbalanced Partner

8.7 Taking a Preference

8.8 1NT Semi-Forcing Again

8.9 NT Invite

8.10 The Impossible Spade