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*****For TWiB 1-178, use the files on the "Edited for 2016" page from now on


TWiB 0       PDF

Bidding Basics

     1  Hand Type      PDF 

     2   Which Suit to Open        PDF

     3   Defining Hand Strength - Buckets         PDF

     4   Cardinal Sins of Bridge         PDF

Notrump Fundamentals

     5   Responding to 1N with the Majors      PDF   

     6   Simple-sohl - Lebensohl Basics        PDF

     7   Superaccepting Jacoby Transfers         PDF

     8   Minor Suit Transfers - 4-Suited Transfers        PDF

2 over 1

     9   Evolve to 2 Over 1      PDF

     10   2 Over 1 Rebids - 2M Waiting, 3L+     PDF    

     11   1D-2C Auctions     PDF

     12   1N Forcing and 3 Over 1 Invitational     PDF

     13   Slam Bidding in 2 Over 1 Auctions     PDF


     14  Double - A Call for Any Occasion     PDF

     15  Responding to Partner's Takeout Double     PDF

     16  Dealing with Opponents' Takeout Double      PDF

     17  High Level X - Forcing Pass     PDF


     18   Finding Fits     PDF

     19   Finding Fits in Competition     PDF

     20   Hand Evaluation - The Law of Total Tricks     PDF

     21   Hand Evaluation - Jacoby 2N, Splinters     PDF

     22  HSGT     PDF

More Notrump

     23   Lebensohl Complete     PDF

     24   Responding to 1N with an Unbalanced Hand     PDF

     25   Bidding Slam after Partner Opens 1N     PDF

     26   Responding to 2N and 2C-2D-2N     PDF

     27   Trick-showing NT Bids - Gambling 3N     PDF


     28   Simple Overcalls     PDF

     29   Interferer Options     PDF

     30   Advancing Partner's Overcall with a Fit     PDF

     31   Rebids after We Overcall     PDF

Constructive Bidding

     32   The Trouble with Minors - Inverted Minors     PDF

     33   1430 RKC and 1430 Gerber     PDF

     34   Opening 2C     PDF

     35   Reverses and Jump Shifts     PDF

Competitive Bidding

     36   Preempts     PDF

     37   Raising Partner in Competition     PDF

     38   Michaels and Unusual NT     PDF

     39   Is It Forcing? (Freebids)     PDF

     40   UvU and UvM     PDF

Around the Table

     41   First Things First - Vulnerability and Position     PDF

     42   Opener      PDF

     43   Interferer      PDF

     44   Responder     PDF

     45   Advancer      PDF

Advanced Notrump

     46   14-16 Notrump     PDF    

     47   Rodwell Size Ask     PDF

     48   Transfer Lebensohl    PDF

     49   Slam Tries - Shortness, Reverse Baze     PDF

More Doubles

     50  Competitive X     PDF

     51  X after NT     PDF

     52 Support X     PDF

     53 Scrambling 2NT   PDF

Hand Evaluation I  

     54  Counting Points Before the Auction Begins     PDF 

     55  Counting Points After Partner Bids     PDF

     56  Counting Points When the Opponents Bid         PDF 

     57  Reevaluate and Keep Reevaluating     PDF

Hand Evaluation II

     58  Size of Trump Fits     PDF  

     59  Double Fits and Misfits     PDF 

     60   Fitting Cards and Wasted Values     PDF 

     61  Losers and Covers     PDF

Defense I

     62  Signals and Carding - UDCA     PDF

     63  Defensive Agreements - Discards     PDF 

     64  Defensive Concepts - Types of Defense     PDF

     65  Middle of the Hand Defense     PDF

Defense II 

     66  Partnership Defensive Philosophies     PDF 

     67  Opening Leads - Card Combinations     PDF

     68  Opening Leads - Listen to the Auction     PDF

     69  Leads in Partner's Suit     PDF

Constructive Bidding II  

     70  Kokish over Strong 2C     PDF

     71  Control Showing Cuebids     PDF

     *17  High Level Doubles - Forcing Passes     PDF

     72  Forcing Pass     PDF

     73  Minorwood     PDF 

     *22  Fits - Help Suit Game Tries     PDF 

      74  HSGT for Slam     PDF

What to Expect

     75  Captaincy     PDF

     76  Planning Rebids    PDF

     77  Planning as Responder     PDF

     78  When Responder is Passed Hand    PDF


Sat 1      PDF

Sat 2     PDF

Sun 1     PDF

Sun 2     PDF

Mon 1     PDF

Mon 2     PDF

Tues 1     PDF

Tues 2     PDF

Wed 1     PDF

Wed 2      PDF

Thurs 1     PDF

Thurs 2     PDF

More NT

     79  Responding to 1NT with the Minors     PDF

     80  Minor Suit Slams after 1NT     PDF

     81  When to open 1NT off-shape     PDF

     82  Advanced Lebensohl     PDF

More 2/1

     83  Bypass 4 card suit     PDF

     84  Bidding the 4th Suit     PDF

     85  Solid Suits     PDF

     86  Splinters     PDF

     87  Pattern Out Auctions      PDF

Dealing with Preempts

     88  Responding to 2-level     PDF

     89  Lebensohl over 2-level preempts     PDF

     90  Responding to 3- and 4-level preempts     PDF

     91  Dealing with 3- and 4-level preempts     PDF

Advanced Bidding Topics

     92  Drury - Reverse, 2-way     PDF

     93  Lebensohl over Reverses     PDF

     94  2-way NMF, Modified Wolff     PDF

     95  Walsh and Extended Walsh     PDF

     96  Fit Showing Jumps     PDF

Slam Bidding Philosophy

     97  Optimistic Minimum      PDF

     98  Specific Kings     PDF

     99  Delayed Splinters     PDF

     100  Picture Bids     PDF

More on Fits

     101  Raising Responder     PDF

     102  Raising Responder in Competition    PDF

     103  Responder's Rebid     PDF

     104  NMF in Depth     PDF

     105  4SF in Depth     PDF

More Constructive Bidding

     106  3rd Seat Openings     PDF

     107  Overcalling 4-card Suits     PDF

     108  Kokish GT     PDF

     109  2NT Trump Ask     PDF

Bermuda 2015

   Sat Hand 1     PDF

  Sat Hand 2     PDF

  Sun Hand 1     PDF

  Sun Hand 2     PDF

  Mon Hand 1     PDF

  Mon Hand 2     PDF

  Tues Hand 1     PDF

  Tues Hand 2     PDF

  Wed Hand 1     PDF

  Wed Hand 2     PDF

  Thurs Hand 1     PDF

  Thurs Hand 2     PDF

More Competitive Bidding

     110  Overcalls by Level     PDF

     111  Leaping Michaels     PDF

     112 Dealing with 4M Interference     PDF

     113  Balancing by Responder     PDF

Constructive Bidding Opposite 3rd hand

     114  Drury Follow-ups and Alternatives     PDF

     115  P - 1M - 2N     PDF

     116  Q=LR+ by Passed Hand     PDF

     117  Advanced Drury in Competition     PDF

Declarer Play - Notrump

     118  Winners - Making a Plan     PDF

     119  Unblocking     PDF

     120  Finesses     PDF

     121  Length vs Strength     PDF

Declarer Play - Suits

     122  Counting Losers     PDF

     123  Trump Fits     PDF

     124  Ruffing Values     PDF

     125   Misfits and Moysians     PDF

Defense - Opening Leads

     126  Rule of 11     PDF

     127  Interpreting P's Lead     PDF

     128  Rule of 10/12     PDF

     129  Visualizing Suits     PDF

Defensive Details

     130  Dummy has Qxx+     PDF

     131  A/Q Attitude, K Count     PDF

     132  Smith     PDF

     133  Suit Preference     PDF

More Advanced Bidding

     134  Upgrade to Jacoby 2NT     PDF

     135  Internal Reverses     PDF

     136  1M - 3N Good 1-4     PDF

     137  KC Stayman     PDF

Bidding Philosophy

     138  Steps v Specific     PDF

     139  Cuebidding Opp's Suit     PDF

     140  Lead-Directing Doubles     PDF

     141  Transfers in Comp     PDF

Constructive Low-Level Bidding

     142  Rebids after 1NT SF     PDF

     143  1C - 1D - 1H - 1S      PDF

     144  XYZ     PDF

     145  After P XX     PDF

More Competitive Bidding

     146  What is a Stopper     PDF

     147  After P's Neg X     PDF

     148  After P's Resp X     PDF

     149  Good/Bad 2NT     PDF

     150  2 places NT     PDF


     151  Balancing NT     PDF

     152  Distributional Hands     PDF

     153  Range Stayman     PDF

     154  More Balancing     PDF

Advanced Comp Bidding

     155  McCabe     PDF

     156  1M (X) transfers     PDF

     157  1m (X) transfers     PDF

     158  Transfer McCabe     PDF

Bermuda 2016

  Sun 1     PDF

  Sun 2     PDF

  Mon 1     PDF

  Mon 2     PDF

  Tues 1     PDF

  Wed 1     PDF

  Wed 2      PDF

  Thurs 1     PDF

  Thurs 2     PDF

  Fri 1     PDF

  Fri 2     PDF

NT and More

     159  Gerber and 1430 Keycard     PDF

     160  19+ to 21 2NT     PDF

     161  1NT Overcalls      PDF

     162  Western Cuebids     PDF

Halifax 2016

  Bulletin     PDF

  Monday     PDF

  Tuesday     PDF

Raising M

     163  Constr and Limping Raises     PDF

     164  1M - 3NT      PDF

     165  Q=LR+, Weak Raises      PDF

     166  5c support     PDF


     167  Resp to 2NT with M     PDF

     168  Puppet     PDF

     169  Stayman then 2S     PDF

     170  They X our Transfer      PDF


     171  WJS by Resp      PDF

     172  WJO       PDF

     173  JO in PO       PDF

     174 New Suit by Adv     PDF

Adv Slam Bidding

     175  CSC and GSF       PDF  

     176  Resp to 4NT with Void      PDF

     177  5NT CoS      PDF

     178  Non-serious 3NT     PDF

Bridge Philosophy - Listening/Planning

     179  Listen to the Opponents' Auction     PDF

     180  Visualizing Opener's Hand      PDF

     181  Visualizing Responder's Hand     PDF

     182 Play the Hand During the Auction     PDF

Finding Fits

     183  Jacoby 2NT         PDF

     184  Splinters     PDF

     185  Bergen Raises     PDF

     186  Splinters by Opener     PDF

Notrump Interference

     187  DONT and Meckwell      PDF

     188 Woolsey     PDF

     189 vs. Weak NT     PDF

     190  vs. 3-level     PDF

Bermuda 2017

     Sat 1     PDF

     Sat 2     PDF

     Sun 1     PDF

     Sun 2     PDF

     Mon 1     PDF

     Mon 2     PDF

     Tues 1     PDF

     Tues 2     PDF

     Wed 1     PDF

     Wed 2     PDF

     Thurs 1     PDF

Special Competitive Situations

     191  Mathe     PDF

     192  vs. Interference      PDF

     193  vs. Strong C     PDF

     194  Sandwich NT     PDF


     195  Maximal     PDF

     196  Snapdragon     PDF

     197  Rosenkranz     PDF

     198  Anti-Lead Directing Doubles     PDF

NT Play

     199  Danger Hand     PDF

     200  Giving Up Control     PDF

     201  Transportation     PDF

     202  Timing     PDF

Suit Play

     203   Suits Equal Length     PDF

     204  Shortness in Dummy     PDF

     205  Length in Dummy     PDF

     206  Power Length in Dummy      PDF


     207  Planning the Defense     PDF

     208  Asking Questions     PDF

     209  Assumptions on Defense     PDF

     210Which Honor to Cover PDF


     211  Getting Your Ruffs PDF

     212  When to Get Active PDF

     213  When to Lead Partner's Suit PDF

     214  Return Partner's Suit   PDF

Adv Bidding

     215  Transfers over 2NT rebids     PDF

     216  Transfers over 1H-1S     PDF

     217  Spear     PDF

     218  Advanced Ogust     PDF


     219  Partnership Questions      PDF

     220  Offensively- or Defensively-Oriented Hands     PDF

     221  Corrective v Forward-Going     PDF

     222 Negative Doubles     PDF

More NT

     223. Modern 1NT.    PDF

     224. Runouts.    PDF

     225  3S Minor Suit Slam Try     PDF

     226. Transfer++ over Weak 1NT.       PDF

Modern Bidding

     227. NMF.         PDF

     228  Preempt Keycard          PDF

     229  Meckstroth Advances     PDF

     230. Modern Lab.    PDF


     231. 1L Overcalls.      PDF

     232. 2L Overcalls.    PDF

     233. 2L Jump Overcalls.  PDF

     234. Michaels and Unusual 2NT.     PDF

Overcalls again

     235  Sandwich Seat     PDF

     236  Balancing Seat     PDF

     237  NT Overcalls    PDF

     238  High level Jump Overcalls     PDF


     239  Hold Up Plays     PDF

     240  Optimistic and Pessimistic     PDF

     241  Combine Chances     PDF

     242  Trump Management     PDF

Play II

     243  Trump Transportation     PDF

    244  Trump Dummy Reversal    PDF

     245  Ruffing Finesse      PDF

     246  Removal and endplays     PDF

Bermuda 2018

Sat 1

Sat 2

Sun 2

Mon 1

Mon 2

Tues 1

Tues 2

Wed 1

Wed 2

Thurs 1

Thurs 2



     247  Recognizing Danger     PDF

     248  Which Suit to Attack     PDF

     249 A/Q Guess PDF

     250 Splitting Honors PDF

Defense II

251 Jack Denies PDF

252 Lead from AQTxx PDF

253 Power Shifts PDF

254 Card Combos PDF


255 1m 2M PDF

256 1C-2D structure PDF

257 Reverse Flannery PDF

258 Q-Minorwood PDF

Bidding Concepts

259 Counting a Suit PDF

260 Putting it all together PDF

261 Bid early PDF

262 3 Level PDF

NT Interference

263 Opps bid over Stayman PDF

264 Opps bid over transfer PDF

265 Opps X CSC PDF

266 Interf over Conv 2NT PDF

Modern Bidding

267 Resp to 1m with MM PDF

268 3M-1 Mixed PDF

269 Impossible S PDF

270 Resp to 1NT overcall PDF

Declarer Play

271 Smother Plays PDF

272 Threat Cards PDF

273 Squeezes PDF

274 Endplays in NT PDF


275 Mid hand PDF

276 Rusinow PDF

277 Late Discards PDF

278 More SP PDF


279 Takeout PDF

280 Negative PDF

281 Responsive PDF

282 Support PDF

More Doubles

283 Balancing/ Reopening PDF

284 Non-Takeout PDF

285 2nd Rd PDF

286 Other X PDF

Slam Bidding

287 Bidding slam with void PDF

288 Ace asking interference PDF

289 5M PDF

290 5NT PDF

Other Bidding Concepts

291 PH PDF

292 Mod Drury PDF

293 Bal slams PDF

294 Unbal slams PDF

Advanced Bidding Topics

295 Transfers/transfers PDF

296 Carmichael-Baze PDF

297 Jump Shift Structure PDF

298 UvU and UvM PDF

Bidding Philosophy

299 Passing with good hands PDF

300 Pos fb vs neg X PDF

301 HE v preempt PDF

302 Resp to 3L preempts PDF


303 Winners PDF

304 2way Finesse PDF

305 KJ guess PDF

306 Idle Fifth PDF


307 Remainder Count UDCA PDF

308 Return Count PDF

309 Shift Count PDF

310 Unusual Honor Leads PDF

311 Forcing Defense PDF

Responding to 1NT

312 Weak PDF

313 Invit PDF

314 GF PDF

315 Slam PDF

More Responding to 1NT

316 MM PDF

317 Mm PDF

318 Other 2 suits PDF

319 in Comp PDF


320 1L PDF

321 2L PDF

322 Jump 2L PDF

323 2-suited PDF

More Overcalls

324 Sandwich PDF

325 Balancing PDF

326 NT PDF

327 Higher Levels PDF

328 **Leads against preempts PDF

Hand Evaluation

329 Before PDF

330 After P PDF

331 After Opp PDF

332 Reeval PDF

More Hand Eval


334 Double/misfits PDF

335 Fitting/wasted PDF


337 **OL into min PDF

Opener’s Rebids

338 Balanced PDF

339 Unbal 1-suit PDF

340 Unbal 2-suit PDF

341 Strong Unbal 2-suit PDF

More Opener’s Rebids

342 After freebid PDF

343 after neg X PDF

344 after RHO PDF

