1.1 New Suit Not Forcing

1.2 Jump Rebid

1.3 Jump in New Suit

1.4 Responder's Reverse

1.5 Opener Shows Extra Values

1.6 Not 4th Suit Forcing

1.7 Over the Opponent's Takeout Double

1.8 Negative Freebid

1.9 Over Opponent's 1NT

1.10 Positive Double


2.2 2-Suits to Show

2.3 Over Partner's Takeout Double

2.4 Extra Shape

2.5 Bidding Over Responder's 1NT

2.6 Penalty Double

2.7 Invitational Jump

2.8 Negative Freebids

2.9 Positive Redoubles

2.10 DONT