Bridge is the greatest of all card games. It’s both entertaining and challenging at the same time. Join Adventures in Bridge to start learning to play or to improve your current game. Sign up for the This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson series, a Webinar, or become an AiB Member to access more of my educational materials.

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THis WEEK in BRidge (TWIB) LibRary and Curriculum

Robert writes a weekly lesson. Each TWiB is part of an 4-8 week collection and is part of the Curriculum to help you learn.

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THiS Week in Bridge (TWIB) Practice HandS

For each new TWIB lesson you get a set of interactive practice hands to reinforce what has been discussed.

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THis Week in Bridge (TWIB) Video Lessons and Podcasts

For each new TWIB lesson Robert makes a video to further explaining the lesson.

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