5.1 Extending a Preempt

5.2 Extending to Game

5.3 Length of Strength

5.4 The Jump to Gain - LOTT Response

5.5 The Weak Raise

5.6 LOTT Adjustment Down for Shape

5.7 Mixed Raise - Length and Strength

5.8 The Law in Competition

5.9 1-2-3 Stop

5.10 6-4 Hands like a 7-card Suits

6.1 Responder Finds a Double Fit

6.2 Responder Searches For Fitting Honors

6.3 Fits and Double Fits

6.4 With Minor Suit Fits think Winners

6.5 Double Fits

6.6 Misfits

6.7 Shortness in Partner's Suit

6.8 Fitting Honors and Good Outside Honors

6.9 Advancing Michaels

6.10 Offensively Oriented