1.1 Partner Leads an Ace

1.2 We Want a Ruff

1.3 Honors Against NT

1.4 Queen in Dummy

1.5 Partner Leads a King

1.6 A Safe Continuation

1.7 Partner Leads a Queen

1.8 Danger of Trick Going Away

1.9 Attitude Discard

1.10 Building a Story

2.1 Giving Count in a Suit

2.2 Giving Count in NT

2.3 When to Lie with Count

2.4 Spliting Honors

2.5 Count or Attitude vs NT?

2.6 Broken Honor Sequence

2.7 Dummy Has the Ace

2.8 Dummy has the King

2.9 We Can't Beat the Dummy

2.10 We Still Can't Beat the Dummy