1.1 4th from Longest and Strongest

1.2 Don't Lead Their Suit

1.3 Go on the Attack

1.4 Honor Sequence

1.5 Measured Attack

1.6 Gambling 3NT

1.7 Card Combinations

1.8 Stayman Information

1.9 Passive Leads Against Suits

1.10 Leading a Singleton

2.1 Possible 4333 Suit

2.2 4 Small in Their Suit

2.3 Passive Lead

2.4 Go Get Those Tricks

2.5 No Need to Lead from a Tenace

2.6 Lead through Strength

2.7 Declarer's Suit May Setup

2.8 Declarer's Suit Not Setting Up

2.9 Risk a Singleton Lead?

2.10 Dummy's Suit May Setup