Robert’s Bridge Courses & Seminars (In Development)

These are Robert’s Bridge Courses and Seminars:

  • AiB Level Courses - These cover the material in a level of the AiB Curriculum.

  • Topics Courses - These go in-depth on a particular topic. They frequently cover material across multiple AIB Levels.

  • Seminars - These are Robert’s Seminars, either recorded live at an event or at a studio.

A Note from Robert: It is going to take me a while to get all of the material created and polished for these Courses & Seminars, but I wanted to let you know the topics that are on my list to work on. If you are really looking forward to one of them please let me know and I can try to move it up my “to-do” list.

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Robert’s Welcome Video about Courses

Below are the courses that are in development.
I’ll add a video here once a few courses are released.

Bidding Courses (in Development)

Starter Courses

Intro to Bridge (3)

AiB Bidding Level 1 (13)

AiB Bidding Level 2 (11)



Hand Evaluaton (8)

Constructive Bidding - Our Side Opens the biddng

Responding to 1NT (8)

Opener’s Rebids (8)

Responder’s Rebids - Finding Fits (8)

Raising Partner’s Suit (8)

2/1 Game Forcing - Basics (8)

2/1 Game Forcing - Advanced (8)

Slam Bidding (8)

Constructive Bidding I (8)

Constructive Bidding II (8)

Competitive Bidding - The Opponents Open the Bidding

Overcalls of Many Kinds (8)

Doubles of Many Kinds (8)

Competitive Bidding I (8)

Competitive Bidding II (8)

Seminars - Videos and Practice Hands

Bidding Seminars - Constructive Bidding

  • Hand Evaluation

  • Modern 1NT Opening Bids

  • Problem Opening Bids

  • Opener’s Strong Unbalanced Hands

  • Preempts

  • 2/1 Game Forcing Bids

  • Opener’s Rebids

  • Responder’s Rebids

  • Finding Fits

  • Trick Showing Bids

  • Cuebids of Many Kinds

  • Slam Bidding

  • Minor Suit Slams

Bidding Seminars - Competitive Bidding

  • Overcalls of Many Kinds

  • Doubles of Many Kinds

  • Is it Forcing? How Forcing Is It?

  • Dealing with the Opponent’s Preempts

  • Advancing Partner’s Overcalls

Defensive Seminar

  • Opening Leads

  • Defensive Strategies

Declarer Play Seminars

  • Finesse and More

  • Trump Suit Management

More Bidding Courses

Note from Robert: These are future courses that I plan to make to fill out the collection. Let me know if there are one that particularly interests you and I might be able to move it up the production list.


Partnership Bidding

More Constructive Bidding

Opener’s 3rd Bid

Responder’s 3rd Bid

More Competitive Bidding

Advancing partner’s Overcall

Advancing Partner’s Takeout Double

Interferer’s Rebid - After Making an Overcall

Interferer’s Rebids - After Making a Takeout Double

Advancer’s Rebids

Declarer Play Courses

Declarer Play in Notrump - fundamentals (8)

Declarer Play Suits - fundamentals (8)

Declarer Play - Advanced (8)

Defense Courses

Defensive Strategies (8)

Defensive Signals (8)

Defense in the Middle of the Hand (8)

Opening Leads - Fundamentals (8)

openng Leads vs. Specific Contracts (8)