7.1 No Need for a Gadget Just Yet

7.2 What You Don't Bid

7.3 Can We Please Not Play Game?

7.4 Get Out in Partner's First Suit

7.5 Leave Partner Space

7.6 Offer a 5-card Suit Again

7.7 Jump in Your 6-card Suit

7.8 Partner Does Not Have a Minimum Reverse

7.9 Partner Has Extra Shape

7.10 Nothing Important to Say

8.1 Rebid Problems

8.2 No Rebid Problems

8.3 Semi-Balanced

8.4 Semi-Balanced without Shortness Values

8.5 Reversible Values

8.6 Wait to See What Partner Says

8.7 Values in Short Suits

8.8 Room at the 1-Level

8.9 Cards to Protect

8.10 High Singleton Honor