Complete List of AiB Online Offerings
At the end of each product is the membership level that provides access to these. Some of these products are available for a la carte purchase as well.
WritTen Lessons & Articles
This Week in Bridge (TWiB) Lessons - New lesson each week (part of collections) [CLUBS]
Sunshine Bridge News (SBN) Play Hard, Play Well! - Library of declarer play articles [CLUBS]
Live Zoom Webinar Registration - Robert’s Tuesday Webinar Series [OPEN]
Webinar Library - Collection of Robert’s past Tuesday and other Webinars [SPADES]
EDucational Practice HANDS (Bridgebee)
TWiB Practice Hands - Hands for each week’s TWiB lesson [DIAMONDS]
Declarer Play Hands for “Play Hard, Play Well!” Articles (In Development) [SPADES]
Course Practice Hands (In Development) - Hands to accompany courses [SPADES]
Other BridgeBee Hands [SPADES]
TWiB Videos - Educational videos to accompany TWiB lessons [HEARTS]
Lecture Videos - Videos of Robert’s lectures (online or in-person) [SPADES]
Seminar Videos - Video of Robert’s seminars (online or in-person) [SPADES]
Podcast (Audio)
TWiB Podcasts - Audio versions of TWiB videos, for streaming or download [HEARTS]
AiB Level Courses - Videos, Lessons, and Hands for a collection of topics targeted at a level of the AiB Curriculum [SPADES]
Topics Courses - Videos, Lessons, and Hands for a general topic. These can be TWiB courses or other topics courses. They often discuss a topic from a variety of different levels (attacking it using different sets of tools) [SPADES]
Seminar Courses - Videos, Notes, and Hands for one of Robert’s Seminars [SPADES]
Educational Tools
AiB Curriculum - Robert’s recommendations of what to learn next in your bridge journey [CLUBS]
Upgrade Your Bidding System - An accompaniment to the AiB Curriculum with ACBL Convention Cards [CLUBS]
AiB Curriculum Tracking (In Development) - A way to track your progress through the AiB Curriculum [SPADES]
TWiB Collection Bidding Books by Level [OPEN]
TWiB Play Book [OPEN]
TWiB Defense Book [OPEN]
Robert’s Bidding Basics Book [OPEN]
Robert’s Partnership Bidding Workbook [OPEN]