3.1 Natural Rebids

3.2 Rebidding 2NT

3.3 Rebidding 2NT with Extras

3.4 2M Waiting

3.5 Jumping to 3NT

3.6 3L Extras

3.7 Not Enough for 3L Extras

3.8 Extra Length in a Second Suit

3.9 Extra Shape and Extra Values

3.10 Give Partner a Chance to Support

4.1 Fast Arrival

4.2 Delayed Support

4.3 Go Slow

4.4 Delayed Splinter

4.5 Fast Arrival in Second Suit

4.6 Splinter for Second Suit

4.7 Rebidding a Suit

4.8 Jumps in NT

4.9 Showing Stoppers

4.10 4th Suit in 2 over 1